This is related to the retrieving context post I made but slightly different:
I’m interested in APIs that can give me useful events in the game execution that would be useful in case a crash happened.
My goal is to store a maximum of N of such events and in the case of a crash, it will help debug the issue.
Is there such a thin in MG? Something like Game.OnSceneChanged
or whatever could be useful for debugging?
If you are looking for simple crashalytics, is free and takes like 5 minutes to set up.
I work for Sentry. The cloud service ( also has a free tier and the project is open source and you can self host for free. Sentry also gives free plan for open source projects (I got one for NuGetTrends which I’m working on). It works OOTB with the .NET SDK but, as my original request, I would like to learn about MG API an have a specialized SDK for MG. Eventually creating something like MonoGame.Sentry
NuGet package.
This would be a hobby project btw, not something part of my work for Sentry.