I’ve implemented the basics of Order-independent transparency from Morgan Mcguire’s papers.
OIT aims to solve one of the biggest hurdles of 3d graphics in that we have to sort transparent objects before drawing, or they will not correctly blend. With this technique the order of drawing does not matter, but it’s more expensive and not perfect either.
it’s kinda ok, the big slowdown in this scene is the dragon with ludicrous amounts of polygons.
If i take it out, and only compute on the three planes i get 2000 fps, otherwise 800. As with all transparency overdraw is a factor and in this case it’s only little overlapping.
I would need to try with a lots of meshes i guess.
it benefits any rendering because you dont have to worry about ordering your stuff. For particles for example you don’t have to sort them by distance to camera.
I’ve rounded out (!) my transitions with a circle transition.
They have a very smooth border, but the gif compression makes it seem a bit blocky since the limited color range can’t interpolate well (no dithering)
Honestly though, the only one really satisfying and undistracting is the swipe. I’m probably gonna use that one in all future projects that have more than one screen state.
Nice i like that radial blur that is pretty cool reminds me of something you see in a movie were someones been hit over the head.
hey kosmo did you see my perspective zoom
its not exactly a shader effect but i got the idea from your star wars swipes.
I was thinking hyperdrive lol
i just smooth scroll the perspective fov from 180 degrees to like 10 in a few seconds.
If you test with the autodesk viewer you verify that the exported FBX works with the autodesk viewer. (it’s a tautology but I don’t know how else to explain it!)
A custom viewer also tests that it works correctly with the ModelImporter (either XNA or MG) and the ModelProcessor or your custom AnimationProcessor.