Get World Position In Pixel Shader


I am trying to get some lighting working and I am running out of ideas. Currently, I am using a shader that takes in a light position, color, range and intensity, and calculates how dark to shade the sprite.

I made a quick demo by passing in 2 float2s, one with the lights position, the other with the position of the sprite being shaded. When I do this manually, I am able to get the lighting to “work” but it’s choppy because the light for the entire sprite is being calculated based on one position.

I’d like to adapt this to calculate the lighting with each pixel of the sprite, but I am having an awful amount of trouble trying to translate the vertex position back into world space.

I should mention, I am not using SpriteBatch. I am using a fork of SpriteBatch that lets me use my own vertex shader.

Here’s my method right now:
Calculate ViewProjection matrix and pass it into vertex shader.
Store POSITION0 in a “WorldPos” float4
Translate POSITION0 with the View
Projection matrix, and send that to the Pixel Shader as SV_POSITION.
(Everything works fine up to here).
Pass the world position of the light to the shader, “LightPosition” (position is in world space, the same position the light is “draw” at).
In the shader, calculate the distance between WorldPosition and the LightPosition.
Use the LightRange to calculate the attenuation of the lighting.

Here is some code:

Setup Draw and MatrixTransform

Graphics.Instance.Batcher.Begin(BlendState.AlphaBlend, SamplerState.PointClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.CullNone, null, cam.TransformationMatrix, true);
Effect.Parameters["MatrixTransform"].SetValue(Matrix.Multiply(Graphics.Instance.Batcher.TransformMatrix, Graphics.Instance.Batcher.ProjectionMatrix));

// Draw here

Vertex Shader:

float2 LightPos;
float2 WorldPosition; // Works when I use this.
float4x4 MatrixTransform

struct VertexShaderInput
	float4 Position : POSITION0;
	float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
	float4 Color: COLOR0;

struct VertexShaderOutput
	float4 Position : POSITION0;
	float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
	float4 Color: COLOR0;
	float4 WorldPos : TEXCOORD2;

	VertexShaderOutput VertexLightShader(VertexShaderInput input)
		VertexShaderOutput output;

		output.Position = mul(input.Position, MatrixTransform);
		output.WorldPos = output.Position;
		output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
		output.Color = input.Color;

		return output;

Pixel Shader:

float4 PixelLightShader(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR0
		float4 color = tex2D(s0, input.TexCoord);

		float2 pos = input.WorldPos.xy;
// Override for testing. Works when I do this.
// pos = WorldPosition; 
		float distance= length(pos - LightPos);

		float attenuation = saturate(1.0 - distance/LightRange);

// I know this ambient color math is a little funny, but it works for my application
		float3 factAmb = ambientColor.rgb + ambientColor.a;

		float4 factoredAmbient = saturate(float4(factAmb * ambientIntensity,1));

		float4 diffuse = saturate(attenuation * LightColor);
		diffuse.a = 1;

		diffuse = saturate(diffuse + factoredAmbient);

		return (diffuse * color * input.Color);


I certainly wouldn’t call my approach to lighting conventional, I am doing some weird math all around to force the lighting to look right in my particular application, but I believe the problem lies with the way that “distance” is calculated which stems from WorldPos.xy being incorrectly calculated. Again, when I pass in a float2 to replace WorldPos.xy artificially, it appears to work correctly, but I’d like this to be based off the actual screen pixel. Any ideas or guidance as to how I can make this work?


the way to get your worldpos to the PS is fine, it will be interpolated for the pixels of the polygon for the PixelShader, BUT

output.Position = mul(input.Position, MatrixTransform);

this will transform to ViewSpace (MatrixTransform has a ProjectionMatrix in it). You need to supply separate World / Projection, mul input.pos by world, save THAT as output.WorldPos - and then mul that with Projection and supply as output.Position, like

output.WorldPos = mul(input.Position, MatrixWorld);
output.Position = mul(output.WorldPos, MatrixProjection);


Multiply your LightPos by Projection as well … the only thing that matters is, that LightPos & WorldPos are in the same Coordinate Space (which is faster, as you can do it once on the CPU and not for every vertex, so it would spare a separate mul in your VS), something like:


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Your first method makes a lot of sense, and it lines up with what I had been reading but I never managed to make the world matrix that got the expected result. I’ve tried a few variations of:

var worldMat = Matrix.CreateScale(Graphics.GAME_SCALE) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(renderable.Position.X * Graphics.GAME_SCALE, renderable.Position.Y * Graphics.GAME_SCALE, 0));

Note that the scale here is because my game is very low resolution, but I scale everything up to make things smooth (i.e. my “SpriteBatch” draws at Position*GAME_SCALE with a scale of GAME_SCALE). I had always suspected this could be part of the problem. From my understanding, I’m following the SRT method appropriately. Is there something in the world matrix I could be missing?

This makes sense to me. I am going to give this a try.

The important bit is just that WorldPosition & LightPosition are in the same space.

So, if your object is at 10,10 and your light is at 20,10, the diff is 10,0 - now, if you scale the objects position by 2.0 but not the lights position, the diff suddenly is 0,10 - you see? If you apply the same scale to the lights position, the diff is correct in direction but wrong in length - you’d need to scale the expected length as well etc.

Assuming that your objects position is already world-coordinates you’d just compare that with the light pos (which I assume being world coordinates alread)

Welp, I feel pretty silly for this one.

My batching renderer transforms the vertices to the world position (the same was SpriteBatch does), so the world matrix doesn’t apply here. But these positions were being multiplied by GAME_SCALE to get the desired effect, while my light positions were not.

This whole time I thought my matrix math was off, but it ended up being much simpler. Thanks for the help!