Help request for Graphical difference in Monogame .Net Core build

I have tried out the development build for Monogame.WindowsDX.Core and copied my code and all my assets to the new Project (which makes it an exact 1:1 clone) and ran it.
I noticed, that the graphics are noticeably different (worse) in the .Net Core build.

Here is a direct comparison, with the .Net Core build on the left side.

The following is a zoomed-in comparison, with the .Net Core version on top:

It seems that .Net Core adds some transparency where none should be (which I tried to disable in the Content Builder).
I have already tried using SamplerState.PointClamb in SpriteBatch.Begin()

One thing to note here is, that I’m not working with a SpriteFont, but rather explicit Textures for each on-screen letter, which gets scaled down from the source.png.

Is anyone familiar with the problem I’m describing?
Any help would be appreciated, as I’d like to prepare my code for when Monogame officially supports .Net Core.

Best regards and stay healthy

Not 100% sure, but I believe this is because of
Some more explanation here. Do you know what version of MonoGame you were using before? Are you loading textures with Texture2D.FromStream?

If that is the issue you’re running into you can fix it by either premultiplying the color data yourself or change the blendstate to NonPremultiplied.

Side note: having all different textures is really bad for performance. It would be a lot more efficient to have all characters in a single texture.

Dokug if you wanted you can take a spritefonts texture and save it to a png and you essentially have a sprite sheet you can get the glyph bounds from the spritefont too and save it that is really all a spritefont is.

This was a little experiment i did that actually turns a spritefont into a loadable cs file.

For example the above basically creates the below cs file in a string that string can be copy pasted right into a projects cs file and loaded at runtime from it.

You can test that by adding the below to a new class in your project and then loading it to a font in game1 without ever adding a spritefont to the pipeline at all.

// This file is programatically generated this class is hard coded instance data for a instance of a spritefont.
// Use the LoadHardCodeSpriteFont to load it.
// Be aware i believe you should dispose its texture in game1 unload as this won't have been loaded thru the content manager.
 using System;
 using System.Text;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;

 namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework
  public class HardCodedSpriteFont
  int width=128;
  int height=96;
  char defaultChar =  Char.Parse("*");
  int lineHeightSpaceing =19;
  float spaceing =0;
   public SpriteFont LoadHardCodeSpriteFont(GraphicsDevice device)
       Texture2D t = DecodeToTexture(device, rleByteData, width, height);
       return new SpriteFont(t, bounds, croppings, chars, lineHeightSpaceing, spaceing, kernings, defaultChar);
   private Texture2D DecodeToTexture(GraphicsDevice device, List<byte> rleByteData, int _width, int _height)
       Color[] colData = DecodeDataRLE(rleByteData);
       Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(device, _width, _height);
       return tex;
   private Color[] DecodeDataRLE(List<byte> rleByteData)
       List <Color> colAry = new List<Color>();
       for (int i = 0; i < rleByteData.Count; i++)
           var val = (rleByteData[i] & 0x7F) * 2;
           if (val > 252)
               val = 255;
           Color color = new Color();
           if (val > 0)
               color = new Color(val, val, val, val);
           if ((rleByteData[i] & 0x80) > 0)
               var runlen = rleByteData[i + 1];
               for (int j = 0; j < runlen; j++)
               i += 1;
       return colAry.ToArray();
        // Item count = 95
        List <char> chars = new List<char> 
        List < Rectangle > bounds = new List<Rectangle>
        new Rectangle(125,84,1,1),new Rectangle(110,73,1,12),new Rectangle(63,75,4,5),new Rectangle(47,19,11,12),new Rectangle(77,1,7,15),new Rectangle(1,19,14,12),new Rectangle(107,16,11,13),new Rectangle(91,60,1,5),new Rectangle(35,1,4,16),new Rectangle(41,1,4,16),
        new Rectangle(9,86,7,7),new Rectangle(1,75,9,9),new Rectangle(30,86,3,5),new Rectangle(63,82,5,1),new Rectangle(91,67,1,2),new Rectangle(19,1,6,16),new Rectangle(82,18,8,12),new Rectangle(91,73,5,12),new Rectangle(1,61,7,12),new Rectangle(10,61,7,12),new Rectangle(74,46,8,12),
        new Rectangle(19,61,7,12),new Rectangle(84,46,8,12),new Rectangle(28,61,7,12),new Rectangle(1,47,8,12),new Rectangle(11,47,8,12),new Rectangle(71,47,1,9),new Rectangle(124,59,3,12),new Rectangle(95,32,8,9),new Rectangle(47,86,9,4),new Rectangle(23,75,8,9),new Rectangle(55,61,6,12),
        new Rectangle(92,1,13,14),new Rectangle(107,1,12,13),new Rectangle(21,47,8,12),new Rectangle(14,33,10,12),new Rectangle(26,33,10,12),new Rectangle(31,47,8,12),new Rectangle(37,61,7,12),new Rectangle(105,31,11,12),new Rectangle(38,33,10,12),new Rectangle(105,73,3,12),new Rectangle(63,61,6,12),
        new Rectangle(41,47,8,12),new Rectangle(46,61,7,12),new Rectangle(82,32,11,12),new Rectangle(50,33,10,12),new Rectangle(17,19,13,12),new Rectangle(51,47,8,12),new Rectangle(62,1,13,15),new Rectangle(118,31,9,12),new Rectangle(61,47,8,12),new Rectangle(95,45,9,12),new Rectangle(62,33,10,12),
        new Rectangle(1,33,11,12),new Rectangle(32,19,13,12),new Rectangle(94,59,8,12),new Rectangle(106,45,9,12),new Rectangle(104,59,8,12),new Rectangle(47,1,4,16),new Rectangle(27,1,6,16),new Rectangle(53,1,4,16),new Rectangle(18,86,10,6),new Rectangle(89,87,9,1),new Rectangle(58,86,3,3),
        new Rectangle(116,84,7,9),new Rectangle(92,17,8,13),new Rectangle(74,33,6,9),new Rectangle(62,18,8,13),new Rectangle(63,85,7,9),new Rectangle(121,1,5,13),new Rectangle(114,59,8,12),new Rectangle(72,18,8,13),new Rectangle(113,73,1,12),new Rectangle(86,1,4,15),new Rectangle(120,16,7,13),
        new Rectangle(102,17,1,13),new Rectangle(116,73,11,9),new Rectangle(33,75,8,9),new Rectangle(43,75,8,9),new Rectangle(71,60,8,12),new Rectangle(81,60,8,12),new Rectangle(84,74,5,9),new Rectangle(81,85,6,9),new Rectangle(98,73,5,12),new Rectangle(53,75,8,9),new Rectangle(12,75,9,9),
        new Rectangle(71,74,11,9),new Rectangle(72,85,7,9),new Rectangle(117,45,9,12),new Rectangle(1,86,6,9),new Rectangle(1,1,7,16),new Rectangle(59,1,1,16),new Rectangle(10,1,7,16),new Rectangle(35,86,10,4)
        List < Rectangle > croppings = new List<Rectangle>
        new Rectangle(0,34,5,19),new Rectangle(0,4,4,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,4,12,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,16,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),new Rectangle(0,3,3,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),
        new Rectangle(0,3,9,19),new Rectangle(0,6,12,19),new Rectangle(0,14,5,19),new Rectangle(0,10,6,19),new Rectangle(0,14,5,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),
        new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,6,19),new Rectangle(0,7,6,19),new Rectangle(0,6,12,19),new Rectangle(0,9,12,19),new Rectangle(0,6,12,19),new Rectangle(0,4,8,19),
        new Rectangle(0,4,15,19),new Rectangle(0,3,11,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,10,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,8,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),new Rectangle(0,4,6,19),new Rectangle(0,4,7,19),
        new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,8,19),new Rectangle(0,4,12,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),new Rectangle(0,4,12,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,12,19),new Rectangle(0,4,10,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,10,19),new Rectangle(0,4,11,19),
        new Rectangle(0,4,10,19),new Rectangle(0,4,14,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,10,19),new Rectangle(0,4,9,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,4,12,19),new Rectangle(0,17,9,19),new Rectangle(0,3,9,19),
        new Rectangle(0,7,8,19),new Rectangle(0,3,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,7,19),new Rectangle(0,3,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,8,19),new Rectangle(0,3,5,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,3,9,19),new Rectangle(0,4,4,19),new Rectangle(0,4,5,19),new Rectangle(0,3,8,19),
        new Rectangle(0,3,4,19),new Rectangle(0,7,14,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,6,19),new Rectangle(0,7,7,19),new Rectangle(0,4,5,19),new Rectangle(0,7,9,19),new Rectangle(0,7,8,19),
        new Rectangle(0,7,12,19),new Rectangle(0,7,8,19),new Rectangle(0,7,8,19),new Rectangle(0,7,7,19),new Rectangle(0,3,8,19),new Rectangle(0,3,6,19),new Rectangle(0,3,8,19),new Rectangle(0,9,12,19)
        List<Vector3> kernings = new List<Vector3>
        new Vector3(0,0,5),new Vector3(1,1,2),new Vector3(1,4,1),new Vector3(0,11,1),new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(1,14,1),new Vector3(0,11,0),new Vector3(1,1,1),new Vector3(1,4,1),new Vector3(1,4,1),
        new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(1,9,2),new Vector3(1,3,1),new Vector3(0,5,1),new Vector3(2,1,2),new Vector3(0,6,0),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(2,5,2),new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),
        new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(1,7,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(2,1,3),new Vector3(1,3,2),new Vector3(2,8,2),new Vector3(2,9,1),new Vector3(2,8,2),new Vector3(1,6,1),
        new Vector3(1,13,1),new Vector3(-1,12,0),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(-1,10,1),new Vector3(0,10,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(-1,11,1),new Vector3(0,10,1),new Vector3(1,3,2),new Vector3(0,6,1),
        new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(0,11,1),new Vector3(0,10,1),new Vector3(-1,13,0),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(-1,13,0),new Vector3(0,9,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,9,1),new Vector3(0,10,1),
        new Vector3(-1,11,0),new Vector3(0,13,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,9,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(1,4,1),new Vector3(0,6,0),new Vector3(1,4,1),new Vector3(1,10,1),new Vector3(0,9,0),new Vector3(2,3,4),
        new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,6,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(0,5,0),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(1,1,2),new Vector3(0,4,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),
        new Vector3(1,1,2),new Vector3(1,11,2),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(0,5,1),new Vector3(0,6,1),new Vector3(0,5,0),new Vector3(0,8,1),new Vector3(-1,9,0),
        new Vector3(0,11,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(-1,9,0),new Vector3(0,6,1),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(2,1,3),new Vector3(0,7,1),new Vector3(1,10,1)
       // pixelsCompressed: 12288 bytesTallied: 49152 byteDataCount: 6203
        List<byte> rleByteData = new List<byte>

The point is a spriteFont is a spritesheet plus a description of the source rectangles in it.

I was using the latest official Build before (and still am, in parallel), so 3.7.1
I am loading them with Content.Load(…), but I have also tried Texture2D.FromStream Method to no avail…
I have also already played around with all the settings in the content tool an all available blendstates in SpriteBatch.Begin()

If you are using the development build then maybe it is related to the half pixel offset? I believe in the development builds it is now turned off by default.

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I am sorry to bring this up again, but this issue persists with the new Monogame 3.8 pre-release which I just installed.
Again in the 3.7 Version (targeting .Net Framework 4.7.2) all textures are perfect, whereas in the 3.8 pre-release (targeting .Net Core 3.1, WindowsDX) all textures look almost as if I had a blur-filter applied to them.

Here is a snippet of the 3.7. look:

And here for comparison the same snippet in 3.8 pre-release:

The code and assets used are literally the same, so I’m wondering if there is an option within the rendering code that I’m missing?


Is your text rendered with SpriteBatch? Could you share a minimal reproduction? That’d make it a lot easier to figure out the cause.

EDIT: Ah, I see above that you are using SpriteBatch

I’m rendering the base texture using
SpriteBatch.Draw(MCDUTexture, new Rectangle([…]), Color.White);

I have been able to “solve” this now, by creating a whole new project and copying the code and assets to the new one and building it from the ground up, so it seems as if the content pipeline doesn’t like being copied from one project to another, but has to be built with a fresh setup.

As far as my problem is concerned, this thread could be closed.
Thanks so much for your help!