Inconsistent shader output between mac (opengl/glsl) and windows (directx/hlsl)

Hi all,

I had a problem in the implementation of deferred shadow mapping, on a mac (OpenGL / GLSL) everything goes well, but in windows (directx / HLSL) is not going well.

More details can be seen in the following video,

I construct the world position like this,

    // Recreate the position with the UV coordinates and depth value
    float4 position;
    position.x = texCoord.x * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    position.y = (1.0f - texCoord.y) * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    position.z = depth.r;
    position.w = 1.0f;

    // Transform position from screen space to world space
    position = mul(position, InverseViewProjection); /= position.w;
    position.w = 1.0f;

and shadow position like this,

        // Calculate homogenous position with respect to light
	float4 lightScreenPosition = mul(position, LightViewProjection);

	// Find sample position in shadow map
	float2 shadowTexCoord = postProjToScreen(lightScreenPosition) + ShadowMapPixelSize;

And the helper function,

float2 postProjToScreen(float4 position)
	float2 screenPosition = position.xy / position.w;
	return 0.5f * (float2(screenPosition.x, -screenPosition.y) + 1.0f);

What’s wrong with my shader? there a solution?
