Is it worth it to create different textures for each platform?

Right now I’m scaling down my sprites to fit the resolution. This causes small but somewhat noticeable artifacts on the edges of the sprites. I’m debating whether to just create different textures for each platform, and there are only 4 or so different resolutions so it would be pretty simple. I wondering what you guys think/did in your projects. Thanks for your time.

Having the exact size textures has some benefits:

  • No wasted disk/memory space on pixels that won’t be visible.
  • Best loading/startup time.
  • No texture stretching or squashing artifacts.
  • Opportunity to tune the look of the textures to that size.

That said… if you have more than 3 or 4 different target sizes it becomes tricky to manage and maintain the art.

Cool. I think I’ll create different sets of textures for iPhone and iPad, then scale down from there. Also, am I right in thinking that artifacts won’t be as noticeable on the actual devices due to the high pixel density and small screens?