I’ve been able to import and render a Tiled Map thanks to Monogame Extended libraries. Yet, the original image is quite small (16px16p), and I wish to be able to play around with some scaling. Most of the things I’ve found out at the web / forums goes around working with an already implemented camera, which I’m not using right now.
Some places suggest using a “Matrix.CreateScale(Vector3(x,y,z))” in the “SpriteBatch.Begin()” method. Yet, If I implement it, the map is not being scaled.
I’ve done your suggestion and, if I put in the: _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Immediate, null, null, null, null, null, Matrix.CreateScale(Vector3(2,2,1))); directly when I’m calling for the Sprite Draw(), (being static or animated), it actually scales.
However, for the Tiled Map with the tileRenderer it is another story… after working all day long, I finally solved that it is not possible to “scale” (rather say, zoom), the map. So, I’ve worked in implementing the camera. Now, with the camera working (and following the char), the scale Matrix is replaced with the viewportAdapter of the Camera:
This is needed to be used when Drawing the tiledMap: _tiledMapRenderer.Draw(_tiledMap.GetLayer(“Floor”), _camera.GetViewMatrix());
and at the Sprite Draw(): _spriteBatch.Begin(transformMatrix: transformMatrix);