🎉 MonoGame Patreon

The MonoGame team are pleased to announce our – Patreon page

which went live yesterday morning. Currently there are 3 tiers of support available. If you love MonoGame consider supporting us!

If you are a current subscriber, please switch to our Patreon subscriptions. We’ll be notifying current subscribers this week.


Love the humor with the tiers. There needs to be a $32 tier called .fx

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Just signed up. I’m not very vocal in the community, but I’ve been using MonoGame for more than 6 years. Hopefully, I’ll be able to contribute more one day, but this is the least I can do to say thanks for all the dev’s hard work.

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@bangclash1 Great suggestion. We just need to workout what we offer for $32 a month :slight_smile:

That 2015 showcase could imho use modern replacement. Especially that thumbnail is hard sell in 2022. Tip: for thumbnail probably check with Kosmonautgames if you can use something from his deferred playground. It ofc wont matter to ppl that already use MG, which I guess is majority if not all of current Patrons, but might also get some ppl outside of “inner circle”


@Ravendarke This is something we are looking into and assessing as to which MonoGame titles to use in the updated version, to best showcase what’s currently out there. Suggestions welcome.

Canceled a twitch sub, money is here in better use. Keep it up!


That’s very kind of you. Greatly appreciated :pray:

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You can add paid support as a new tier. Great decision, from now on we can support the development, and I’m so positive about the future of Monogame.
And also the banner could be much better.


I’m supporting monthly. You deserve a lot.

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Thanks for your support. Greatly appreciated!

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I’m supporting too… and i send a question via patreo MP about to contact Tom for get the monogame version for XBOX (my xbox manager also send an email to Tom to confirm my xbox id partnership).
I am trying to contact Tom for a few months, can you help me??? :sob:



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Tom is still missing… would be a good idea if someone close to him to confirm he is okay. :thinking:

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I’ll bring this to Tom’s attention.

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@tatakamucher Have you mentioned this on the Discord server - MonoGame Consoles ?

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Had no idea this discord existed and is the first time I’ve seen definitive instructions on how to officially request access to NDA console stuff after literally years of trying, and having answered several questions from other MG users over that time I know that is a common issue. It would be awesome if a link to this discord’s welcome section was in the docs somewhere (maybe it already is?), preferably here: https://docs.monogame.net/articles/platforms.html.

Linking to a couple of the more recent topics in case people find them and hopefully end up here:
Where can i get Monogame for Xbox XDK
GDK Build

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I didn’t know the existence of that discord server either…
Thank you!! :wink:

Hi, I saw you on the discord channel, tom already answered you?? :thinking: