OK, so I’ve been hanging around on the irc channel for a while and I don’t seem to be able to find anyone but bots on the channel so I think I might ask it here: My setup is a Mac with mountain lion and Xamarin alpha and xcode latest version, The problem
appears whenever I load a PNG outside the load content method (during the game tick loop) and while the game doesnt crash it hangs exactly after exiting the tick method, never entering again. Also the default application handlers for the on touch event do
respond… its almost a week I am trying to figure out the problem maybe someone here could have some hints on how to proceed…
Sounds like a deadlock, but it is surprising that it occurs after update. Do you use the Texture2D.FromStream method? We load content indirectly from the update method and that work. Loading from draw might lead to problems like this.
Actually i managed to get it to work using the latest build of monogame, i would swear i tested it and since it wasn’t working i just dropped it and continued to use my version that has some fixes on the audio playback…
The strange thing was that my custom older version of monogame was broken on ios 7.1 only… I’m going to dig into the issue and report the reason here if someone happens to crush on the same event.
Ok, i just went throught most of the engine changes from my last download of the engine and i understood a massive change in how the game loop is now working under IOS: from a recurring NSTimer to a link to the screen refresh. It seems the old Timer cannot handle the awesomeness of IOS 7.1…
This is anecdotal, but the iOS 7.1 update has wrecked havoc on some of the iOS development we’re doing on our mobile controls where I work, and has also impacted our upstream vendors. I’m not sure if they updated their scheduler, but races we could never produce are now falling out of the woodwork.