Hello, I am having a bit of trouble figuring out the appropriate shadermodels to use in OpenGL. I saw this post where the example is setting vs/ps_5_0 for both OpenGL and DX; but if I try to use then in my OpenGL project, I get an
Invalid profile 'vs_5_0'. Vertex shader 'StarSystemVertexShader' must be SM 3.0 or lower!
Should it work, or is the example wrong/no longer actual? Everything stems from the fact that I would need to have bitwise operations in the shader, but thery are not supported in shadermodel 3.0
Out of curiousity - if this fork solves a lot of OpenGL issues, then why is it not merged with the official repo? Or atleast some feature branch. Or perhaps that is the endgame?
Pull requests · MonoGame/MonoGame · GitHub mainly this. Also there are compatibility issues on some secondary platforms. If I remember some movement regarding this should happen around 3.9
Ah, I see that on mac it’s not supported yet. Never mind then I’ll think of some other way to deal with the shader in sm3. Still, good to know this exists.