Hi all
@Tanakhon_Kaewkunha No worries about your English, and please don’t apologies for it, it’s way better than my other languages (which I speak none of) and when we see your posts no matter where you’re from we will of course try to help, I’ve found this community very helpful and will try and return the favour where I can.
Anyway, onto me… Hmm… ok I’m an old fart, born in 1970 and first got into gaming in the late 70’s with Atari 2600 and then the Commodore 64, I then moved onto PC gaming in 86 and have been with PCs ever since - personally hate PS/Xbox, but that is for another time. I started developing / messing around with the C64.
Development - I got into what was know as Play By Mail industry back in the late 80’s through 90’s as a game developer/designer though nothing graphical - as the name says it’s by MAIL - so all paper based, but the games are multiplayer type games various types - our main one was a fantasy war game.
Moving forward to now - I’m a software developer for a large UK software house working on warehouse/supply software, by night I game. As I’m such an old fart now I feel my game development days are behind me as the younger people are so much more talented than I am in the new tech (I don’t even own a smart phone - no need for one) and porting monogame over to other platforms is at the moment beyond me.
I started looking at XNA last year, but then found monogame and signed up here, done some playing around with it but nothing much, redone the “flappy bird” game, and also one I called “Crazy Balls” - which was basically started out as a tutorial of bouncing a ball on the screen and moving it with cursor keys, I then added a couple of layers of scenery (trees in the foreground, mountains in the background) and floating things for the ball to pick up. I then “gave up” finding that after working all day, I couldn’t really be bothered at night, just prefer to play. Well, a few months later and I’m thinking about giving it another shot, found the Lidgren network library and been playing around with that, got a basic “console” game working with it so I’ve now come up with a basic game design to try and do for the fun of it - nothing to sell.
The game I’ve come up with is basically a tank shooting game (which I loved in the late 70s on the Atari - link below), but I’ve added some of my own twists to it, e.g. custom tank design, terrain features, and 2-4 players only (no AI). Hopefully doing this and using the Lidgren network library and using what I’ve already learned about monogame I can come up with something. Who knows.
Wow I’ve gone on way to long - so to sum up - HI all, great to meet you all, and what a great community this is - and thanks for all the help in the recent weeks with the questions I’ve had recently.
As for Monogame Extended - @craftworkgames - Great job on that, I’ve not really taken a big look at it, downloaded and viewed some of the demos, but due to lack of documentation or more detailed demos, I’m putting it on hold for now. I might take another look once I’ve done a game with the basic Monogame.