Prior to updating to MonoGame 3.8 (I believe I was on 3.6 but it may have been older), I had two shaders (Bloom.fx and BloomCrossPlatform.fx) that compiled fine.
Since that upgrade, when I build my solution, I get this error for both:
“Processor ‘EffectProcessor’ had unexpected failure!”
There’s no line number and I can’t seem to find anything else with more details beyond that error message.
Here is Bloom.fx… if I can resolve this, hopefully I can resolve the other file too as they are rather similar. My knowledge on Shaders is unfortunately low and I probably just found this as is online and didn’t actually write it from scratch. Any help on making it work again would be appreciated.
// Added to use older pixel shader.
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PixelShaderFunction();////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Needed for pixel offset
float2 InverseResolution;//The threshold of pixels that are brighter than that.
float Radius;
float Strength;//How far we stretch the pixels
float StreakLength = 1;// Input texture
Texture2D ScreenTexture;SamplerState LinearSampler
Texture = ;MagFilter = LINEAR;
MinFilter = LINEAR;
Mipfilter = LINEAR;AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////struct VertexShaderInput
float3 Position : POSITION0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
};struct VertexShaderOutput
float4 Position : POSITION0;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////VertexShaderOutput VertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input)
VertexShaderOutput output;
output.Position = float4(input.Position, 1);
output.TexCoord = input.TexCoord;
return output;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Just an average of 4 values.
float4 Box4(float4 p0, float4 p1, float4 p2, float4 p3)
return (p0 + p1 + p2 + p3) * 0.25f;
}//Extracts the pixels we want to blur
float4 ExtractPS(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET0
float4 color = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord);float avg = (color.r + color.g + color.b) / 3;
if (avg>Threshold)
return color * (avg - Threshold) / (1 - Threshold);// * (avg - Threshold);
}return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
}//Extracts the pixels we want to blur, but considers luminance instead of average rgb
float4 ExtractLuminancePS(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET0
float4 color = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord);float luminance = color.r * 0.21f + color.g * 0.72f + color.b * 0.07f; if(luminance>Threshold) { return color * (luminance - Threshold) / (1 - Threshold);// *(luminance - Threshold); //return saturate((color - Threshold) / (1 - Threshold)); } return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
//Downsample to the next mip, blur in the process
float4 DownsamplePS(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET0
float2 offset = float2(StreakLength * InverseResolution.x, 1 * InverseResolution.y);float4 c0 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-2, -2) * offset); float4 c1 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0,-2)*offset); float4 c2 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(2, -2) * offset); float4 c3 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, -1) * offset); float4 c4 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, -1) * offset); float4 c5 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-2, 0) * offset); float4 c6 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord); float4 c7 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(2, 0) * offset); float4 c8 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, 1) * offset); float4 c9 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, 1) * offset); float4 c10 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-2, 2) * offset); float4 c11 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0, 2) * offset); float4 c12 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(2, 2) * offset); return Box4(c0, c1, c5, c6) * 0.125f + Box4(c1, c2, c6, c7) * 0.125f + Box4(c5, c6, c10, c11) * 0.125f + Box4(c6, c7, c11, c12) * 0.125f + Box4(c3, c4, c8, c9) * 0.5f;
//Upsample to the former MIP, blur in the process
float4 UpsamplePS(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET0
float2 offset = float2(StreakLength * InverseResolution.x, 1 * InverseResolution.y) * Radius;float4 c0 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, -1) * offset); float4 c1 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0, -1) * offset); float4 c2 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, -1) * offset); float4 c3 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, 0) * offset); float4 c4 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord); float4 c5 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, 0) * offset); float4 c6 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1,1) * offset); float4 c7 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0, 1) * offset); float4 c8 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, 1) * offset); //Tentfilter 0.0625f return 0.0625f * (c0 + 2 * c1 + c2 + 2 * c3 + 4 * c4 + 2 * c5 + c6 + 2 * c7 + c8) * Strength + float4(0, 0,0,0); //+ 0.5f * ScreenTexture.Sample(c_texture, texCoord);
//Upsample to the former MIP, blur in the process, change offset depending on luminance
float4 UpsampleLuminancePS(float4 pos : SV_POSITION, float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET0
float4 c4 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord); //middle one/*float luminance = c4.r * 0.21f + c4.g * 0.72f + c4.b * 0.07f; luminance = max(luminance, 0.4f);
float2 offset = float2(StreakLength * InverseResolution.x, 1 * InverseResolution.y) * Radius; /// luminance;float4 c0 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, -1) * offset); float4 c1 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0, -1) * offset); float4 c2 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, -1) * offset); float4 c3 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, 0) * offset); float4 c5 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, 0) * offset); float4 c6 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(-1, 1) * offset); float4 c7 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(0, 1) * offset); float4 c8 = ScreenTexture.Sample(LinearSampler, texCoord + float2(1, 1) * offset); return 0.0625f * (c0 + 2 * c1 + c2 + 2 * c3 + 4 * c4 + 2 * c5 + c6 + 2 * c7 + c8) * Strength + float4(0, 0, 0, 0); //+ 0.5f * ScreenTexture.Sample(c_texture, texCoord);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////technique Extract
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 ExtractPS();
}technique ExtractLuminance
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 ExtractLuminancePS();
}technique Downsample
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 DownsamplePS();
}technique Upsample
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 UpsamplePS();
}technique UpsampleLuminance
pass Pass1
VertexShader = compile vs_4_0 VertexShaderFunction();
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0 UpsampleLuminancePS();