Runs in simulator, hangs on device

Hey dev types!

So, i’m having an issue. I’m porting a game, which runs without a hitch in the ios simulator. But as soon at i run it on the device, it runs the update method one time, and then… nothing.

Has any of you experienced this before?

I use Xamarin studio 4.2.3, and xcode 5.0.2

// Andreas

Hi Andreas,

On which device are you trying to run it? First assumption would be a memory limit. Is your game demanding?

Try to do some console logging in your draw/update calls so you can spot where exactly it crashes. Debugging iOS app can be quite painful since the code is obfuscated by native code compilation (making the debugger to loose track of the C# code).

I’ve tried to run it on an iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s and iPad mini retina. I’ve ran Instruments to check for mass CPU or memory usage, and there’s no problem there.
Thing is, that when i used Monodevelop things worked fine and still do. However, since the release of iOS 7, you have to have at least xcode 5>, and then you also haveto use Xamarin Studio instead of Monodevelop.

There are no crash reports on the devices, and the game does not crash. It just simply stops running the update and draw methods.