I’m trying to make a shader that is specular enabled, but I can’t seem to get the normal passed in to my fragment shader.
My shader code:
struct VertexData
float4 position : POSITION0;
float4 color : COLOR0;
float4 specularColor : COLOR1;
float3 normal : NORMAL0;
struct VertexToPixel
float4 position : POSITION0;
float4 litColor : COLOR0;
float4 specularColor : COLOR1;
float3 normal : NORMAL0; //It refuses to recognize this
VertexToPixel CubeVertexShader(VertexData input)
VertexToPixel output;
float4 worldPosition = mul(input.position, World);
float4 viewPosition = mul(worldPosition, View);
output.position = mul(viewPosition, Projection);
float4 lightColor = ambientColor * ambientColor.a;
//normally we'd need to switch the normal to be in world-space
//but, it conveniently already is
//so we cool.
//as long as we don't do any world space rotation.
float diffuseIntensity = dot(input.normal, -sunDir) * sunColor.a;
if (diffuseIntensity > 0)
lightColor = lightColor + sunColor * diffuseIntensity;
output.litColor = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
output.litColor.rgb = input.color.rgb * lightColor.rgb;
output.litColor.a = input.color.a;
output.litColor = saturate(output.litColor);
output.specularColor = input.specularColor;
output.normal = input.normal;
return output;
float4 CubePixelShader(VertexToPixel input) : COLOR0
float3 eyePosition = float3(0, 0, 1.0);
float3 worldNormal = mul(float4(input.normal, 0), World).xyz;
float3 reflection = normalize(sunDir - (2 * worldNormal * dot(sunDir, worldNormal)));
reflection = mul(float4(reflection, 0), View).xyz;
float3 specularResult = input.specularColor.rgb * sunColor.rgb * pow(dot(reflection, eyePosition), input.specularColor.a);
//This next is an experimental function to
float alphaFactor = max(max(specularResult.r, specularResult.g), specularResult.b);
float3 premultSurfaceColor = input.litColor.rgb * input.litColor.a;
float4 finalColor = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
finalColor.rgb = specularResult.rgb + (premultSurfaceColor.rgb * (1 - alphaFactor));
finalColor.a = alphaFactor + input.litColor.a * (1 - alphaFactor);
return finalColor;
But it gives me this error:
The main error is the first, the others are just caused by that variable being missing.
This is the GLSL code my fragment shader (and header) got translated to:
uniform vec4 ps_uniforms_vec4[6];
const vec4 ps_c8 = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec4 ps_r0;
vec4 ps_r1;
vec4 ps_r2;
#define ps_c0 ps_uniforms_vec4[0]
#define ps_c1 ps_uniforms_vec4[1]
#define ps_c2 ps_uniforms_vec4[2]
#define ps_c5 ps_uniforms_vec4[3]
#define ps_c6 ps_uniforms_vec4[4]
#define ps_c7 ps_uniforms_vec4[5]
varying vec4 vFrontColor;
#define ps_v0 vFrontColor
#define ps_oC0 gl_FragColor
varying vec4 vFrontSecondaryColor;
#define ps_v1 vFrontSecondaryColor
void main()
ps_r0.x = dot(ps_v2.xyz, ps_c0.xyz);
ps_r0.y = dot(ps_v2.xyz, ps_c1.xyz);
ps_r0.z = dot(ps_v2.xyz, ps_c2.xyz);
ps_r1.xyz = ps_r0.xyz + ps_r0.xyz;
ps_r0.x = dot(ps_c6.xyz, ps_r0.xyz);
ps_r0.xyz = (ps_r1.xyz * -ps_r0.xxx) + ps_c6.xyz;
ps_r1.xyz = normalize(ps_r0.xyz);
ps_r0.x = dot(ps_r1.xyz, ps_c5.xyz);
ps_r1.x = pow(abs(ps_r0.x), ps_v1.w);
ps_r0.xyz = ps_c7.xyz * ps_v1.xyz;
ps_r0.xyz = ps_r1.xxx * ps_r0.xyz;
ps_r1.x = max(ps_r0.x, ps_r0.y);
ps_r2.x = max(ps_r1.x, ps_r0.z);
ps_r0.w = -ps_r2.x + ps_c8.x;
ps_oC0.w = (ps_v0.w * ps_r0.w) + ps_r2.x;
ps_r1.xyz = ps_v0.www * ps_v0.xyz;
ps_oC0.xyz = (ps_r1.xyz * ps_r0.www) + ps_r0.xyz;
Did I do something wrong in the syntax or is the code translator just arbitrarily dropping variables?