Short and sweet…
I am drawing basic 3d models. A have a couple, each sculpted from one cube in blender, and they work as intended in game.
My new model is 4 square pillars, made from ONE stretched cube, copied and copied again into 4 identical pillars, equally space…
The model exports fine, and can be previewed correctly in a viewer. Looks like 4 pillars, identical to their looks within blender…
however, in my game, the model draws as 2 STANDARD cubes, not 4 pillars…
I can draw other models in their place just fine.
I think I might be seeing the model, but without the stretches I made to the original primitives, and that I am seeing 2 cubes because the other 2 of 4 are drawn BEHIND the camera… Any ideas?
It’s like monogame is not reading the modifications I made to the cube model, basically… They behave correctly in 3d space, with the camera and in relation to other models… It’s just that they are cubes instead of pillars, and their positions and scaling are off… Man… How can this be? Does a model really store the original primitives what is going on?