I need help with my shader, for some reason it doesn’t work on Intel’s and AMD’s integrated gpu.
to make my shader I use the default Monogame template.
Vertex Shader:
VSOutputPixelLightingTx VSBasicPixelLightingTx(VSInputNmTx vin) {
VSOutputPixelLightingTx vout;
CommonVSOutputPixelLighting cout = ComputeCommonVSOutputPixelLighting(vin.Position, vin.Normal, vin.Tangent, vin.Binormal);
vout.Diffuse = float4(1, 1, 1, DiffuseColor.a);
vout.TexCoord = vin.TexCoord;
return vout;
Pixel Shader:
float4 PSBasicPixelLightingTx(
float4 PositionPS : SV_Position,
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0,
float4 PositionWS : TEXCOORD1,
float3 NormalWS : TEXCOORD2,
float3 TangentWS : TEXCOORD3,
float3 BinormalWS : TEXCOORD4,
float4 Diffuse : COLOR0
) : SV_Target0 {
float4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(Texture, TexCoord) * Diffuse;
float3 eyeVector = normalize(EyePosition - PositionWS.xyz);
clip(color.a - .001);
float4 bump = SAMPLE_TEXTURE(NormalMap, TexCoord) - float4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0);
float3 bumpNormal = NormalWS + (bump.x * TangentWS + bump.y * BinormalWS);
bumpNormal = normalize(bumpNormal);
ColorPair lightResult = ComputeLights(eyeVector, bumpNormal, 3);
color.rgb *= lightResult.Diffuse;
AddSpecular(color, lightResult.Specular);
ApplyFog(color, PositionWS.w);
return color;
the VSOutputPixelLightingTx struct:
struct VSOutputPixelLightingTx {
float4 PositionPS : SV_Position;
float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
float4 PositionWS : TEXCOORD1;
float3 NormalWS : TEXCOORD2;
float3 TangentWS : TEXCOORD3;
float3 BinormalWS : TEXCOORD4;
float4 Diffuse : COLOR0;
I use vs_3_0 and ps_3_0 to compile them.
Result on Nvidia and AMD dedicated card :
Result on intel and AMD integrated chip :
Over the last two day I try every solution i can find online but were not successful.
I think I am doing something wrong…
You can download here my complete shader : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzptdjKIFeflV0g4SVBNY3JJRVk/view?usp=sharing