[Solved] Smooth look at

I had no problems with sprite rotation at the specified point … until I decided to make it smooth.
In the end, I got this result: Imgut gif

The sprite makes a full circular turn, and I don’t know how to solve it. Tell me how to solve it, please.
Here is my example:

float AngleToTarget(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radian)
    var dX = x1 - x2;
    var dY = y1 - y2;
    return (float)(Math.Atan2(dY, dX) - radian);

void Update()
    Vector2 mp = Exts.GetMousePosOnMap();
    Vector2 cp = CenterPos;
    var target = AngleToTarget(cp.X, cp.Y, mp.X, mp.Y, DEMath.ANGLE_IN_RADIAN_90);
    Angle += (target - Angle) / 8f; // smooth

This will work by choosing always the smaller angle of the 2 possible.
Also never forget to multiply by deltatime so it’s framerate-independent.
And a speed-paramter is handy for tweaking the turning-speed

float Speed = 10f;

void Update()
    Vector2 mp = Exts.GetMousePosOnMap();
    Vector2 cp = CenterPos;
    var target = AngleToTarget(cp.X, cp.Y, mp.X, mp.Y, DEMath.ANGLE_IN_RADIAN_90);

    var delta = target - Angle;
    delta += (delta > MathHelper.Pi) ? -MathHelper.TwoPi : (delta < -MathHelper.Pi) ? MathHelper.TwoPi : 0;
    Angle += delta * Speed * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
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You can use


Thank! I got this solution:

public static float SmoothLookTo(float currentAngle, Vector2 center, Vector2 target, float speed)
    var target = AngleToTarget(center, target);
    var delta = target - currentAngle;

    delta += (delta > MathHelper.Pi)
        ? -MathHelper.TwoPi
        : (delta < -MathHelper.Pi) ? MathHelper.TwoPi : 0;

    currentAngle += delta * speed;
    return MathHelper.WrapAngle(currentAngle);