Hello everybody, I have been following the guide on this page to create a 3d plane using coordinates instead of models. I have pretty much followed the guide exactly so I won’t paste my source code since it is listed there. The issue I am having is when I get to the part about rendering textures and tiling them by using a value greater than 1 for the texture coordinates.
Here is an image of the result I get when I set my texture “repetitions” as they are called in the guide to 3. This should tile the texture 3 times on each axis, for a total of 9 squares. As you can see, it is nearly right as the one square that is rendered correctly takes up 1/9th of the total plane.
I have checked and double checked to make sure I have all my coordinates set correctly, so I am not sure what could be causing this. As I said before, my code is nearly identical to the code on the page, with the only exception that I took out the DrawFloor() method and just did it directly in Draw(), and I moved the camera variables like cameraPosition and cameraLookAt to be class members so I can display their values on the UI.
If anybody has any insight into what may be going on, I would really appreciate it. I am fairly new to this sort of work as I have usually used prebuilt engines such as Unity, but I am very interested in starting from the ground up.