( SOLVED ) Why my pixel lighting is better than my normal mapping ?

Basic effect per pixel lighting is looking good than a Custom effect normal mapping, well sometimes ^ _^ Y

I’m pretty sure the model is very familiar to XNA users ^_^y

EDIT : I know now why, my pixel lighting is using 3 light source and my custom effect Normal mapping is only using 1 light source. [ Need help on shader below ]

Guide me how to multiply 3 lights on my pixel shader my BasicEffect is using 3 light source and my Normal Mapping only using 1 light source.

float4 PixelShaderFunction(VertexShaderOutput input) : COLOR

	float4  m_Color     = tex2D(ColorMapSampler, input.TexCoord);
	float3  m_NormalMap =    (2.0 * (tex2D(NormalMapSampler, input.TexCoord))) - 1.0 ;
	        m_NormalMap = normalize(mul(m_NormalMap, input.WorldToTangentSpace));

    float    m_Diffuse  = saturate(dot(-__LightDirection, m_NormalMap));	
    float4  m_Reflect  = normalize(2 * m_Diffuse*m_NormalMap -  __LightDirection );	
    float    m_Specular = pow(saturate(dot( m_Reflect, input.View)), 32);

    return  m_Color * AmbientColor     * AmbientIntensity +
		    m_Color * DiffuseIntensity * DiffuseColor * m_Diffuse +
		    m_Color * SpecularColor    * m_Specular;

The above code is only using __LightDirection :

What if I wanna add another __LightDirection1 and __LightDirection2 how can I combine to output color?

Do the same calculations for the extra lights, and then add them all together at the end.

float    m_Diffuse  = saturate(dot(-__LightDirection, m_NormalMap));	
float4  m_Reflect  = normalize(2 * m_Diffuse*m_NormalMap -  __LightDirection );	
float    m_Specular = pow(saturate(dot( m_Reflect, input.View)), 32);

float    m_Diffuse1  = saturate(dot(-__LightDirection1, m_NormalMap));	
float4  m_Reflect1  = normalize(2 * m_Diffuse1*m_NormalMap - __LightDirection1 );	
float    m_Specular1 = pow(saturate(dot( m_Reflect1, input.View)), 32);

return  m_Color * AmbientColor     * AmbientIntensity +
	    m_Color * DiffuseIntensity * DiffuseColor * (m_Diffuse + m_Diffuse1)   +
	    m_Color * SpecularColor    * (m_Specular + m_Specular1);

That’s for one extra light, but you should get the idea.

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Hi Markus,

Appreciated much bro ^ _^ y … I’ll try it immediately !

Work’s like a charm bro ^ _^ y