I’ve trawled around both on here and the old forums, and I’ve tried the snippet suggested here. Nothing seems to work. These are wav files, with “content” for their build actions.
I’m not sure if that’s is your problem, or if it will help at all, but…
How are you loading your sound effects?
The only time that i had problem with soundffects not playing was when trying to play them exactly after loading them.
Something like this:
won’t work.
I read that is something that loads asynchronously, and if you try to play it while it isn’t loaded it’ll simply not play.
Unfortunately, I don’t think this is the problem. All my sound effects - as with all my other content - is loaded in at the start of the game, under a loader thread so I can get some animation going while the load happens. The sound effects are loaded via Content.Load into a SoundEffectManager static class, which includes a dictionary, so I can do “SoundEffectManager.PlaySound[”(name)"] wherever I need to in code.
Once the load-up is complete, the game switches to its title screen - the first in-game call for a sound effect is when a button is touched, and the sound effect that plays in this case is the first one in the list of effects to be loaded. So unless this load-up is asynchronous and unreasonably slow, I don’t think this is a likely scenario.