Hello guys, well as the title says i’m scaling down textures rendering them in quads, when animating this i get allot of jitter in the texture, so the texture filtering is having problems.
(please download the gif to watch it, its 5mg so i couldnt upload it on a better place)
this is the result, it looks like i need mipmaps, do i really need to? cant i go around the recalculated mipmaps, i’m asking this 'cos i’m going to be loading most textures as streams from a wpf app, so I cant really create the maps in the CP.
If you guys know any way to accomplish this let me know, should I just save 2 textures per image? a big and a small one? like a 2 level mip map (lol)? Or is there any way to create a mipmap programmatically, i could do that on the loading mechanims
I’m using these big textures because the user can click them, and they are animated to the screen, so to make them look good they are big.
using the usual quad renderer with these options:
m_objBasicEffect.World = world;
m_objBasicEffect.View = view;
m_objBasicEffect.Projection = proj;
m_objBasicEffect.Texture = texture;
m_objBasicEffect.TextureEnabled = true;
m_objBasicEffect.Alpha = alpha;
m_objBasicEffect.DiffuseColor = tintcolor.ToVector3();
and using DrawUserIndexedPrimitives();
I tried to change the sampler states, and the texture filtering options, no success.
if you guys need more information let me know.
Enviorement: Win7 x64 in VWare Virtual Machine, VS2010, using MGame 3.0.1 WindowsGL
Edit: After searching a bit more i found out i can just use Texture2D.SetData and add mipmaps. But I dont know how to downscale the texture to use it there, any tip? (long day)
Edit2: After trying some stuff (http:// www. gamedev.net/topic/636883-xna-generate-mip-maps-with-texturefromstream/#entry5028401)
i found some road blocks.
I have an extension in the content manager, to load stuff in background workers with a dispatcher, creating a render target to use there breaks with “Framebuffer Incomplete.” message.
https:// github .com/mono/MonoGame/blob/master/MonoGame.Framework/Graphics/GraphicsDevice.cs#L1378
Going around that, i found that mipmaps are not implemented in RT’s with a notImplemented exception
https:// github .com/mono/MonoGame/blob/master/MonoGame.Framework/Graphics/GraphicsDevice.cs#L1412
, are they done in develop?