Tiled Maps

Hello everyone. So I installed MonoGame.Extended.Tiled and MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline. I added a refrence to MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline.dll in the content builder, however, when I try to compile tmx and or files, it says it “Couldn’t find a default importor”. Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? I have a DesktopGL project targetting .NET Framework 4.6.1, the newest versions of MonoGame.Extended packages, and MonoGame assembly files. Thanks!

Have you added a reference to MonoGame.Extended.Tiled to the content builder?

I tried that and it crashed. I’ll try again though.

I’m reinstalling the packages, for MonoGame.Extended.Tiled the console asks me if I want to replace a bunch of existing SharpDX including the SharpDX assembly. Should install those new files from the package or keep the older ones?

I would keep the ones that go with MonoGame to ensure compatibility.

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So I add a reference to MonoGame.Extended.Content.Pipeline and MonoGame.Extended.Tiled to the content builder?

Yes, you need a reference to the Tiled classes for the build to work.

Are you using MonoGame 3.8 or 3.7.1?

Ok thanks. I haven’t really used any packages in the past, so sorry if I’m asking dumb questions.

I installed it a while ago. How do I check?

Look at the reference to MonoGame under Add Reference it will say 3.?.?.?.

It’s 3.7.1

The latest MonoGame.Extended targets 3.8. This could cause you problems.

Thanks. Should I just install the newer version of MonoGame and just paste all of my scripts and content into a new project?

If you can’t get it to work it would be the next step.

Ok. Thanks a lot.

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