What happen to Monogame iOS when Microsoft discontinues its support for Visual Studio on Mac?

What happen to Monogame iOS when Microsoft discontinues its support of Visual Studio on Mac? We will be writing Monogame in VS Code?

Also the latest TestFlight only accepts apps built with latest 17.2 SDK, which means that we have to target .net8 instead of .net6. Maybe update the documentation?

@RCGame you can program in Visual Studio on Windows and then connect a Mac to your Windows machine running Visual Studio and initiate a build that targets iOS. This includes being able to open an iOS simulator on Windows. So if you are ok using a Windows PC for your development, it should work out. I don’t use VS code much so won’t speak to it’s use on a Mac.

Using .net 8will not be a problem in your iOS project for MonoGame (we currently have an app in the Apple store using MonoGame and .net 8).

Where are you seeing .net 6 to publish on apple in the documentation? Maybe we can submit a PR to update it.


Yes, that’s a solution but I just found there is no point working on a Macbook or iMac anymore. Can build with mac mini or even get AWS or Azure pipeline to build it.

It’s on the Getting Started page Setting up your development environment for macOS and Linux | MonoGame

Setting Up VSCode Development Environment For MonoGame (github.com)