XnaMediaPlayer doesn't play my song again on iOS after it had finished

I want to play the next song after the current song had finished. The next song can be the same song again or a different song. On Android everything works fine but on iOS I don’t hear anything when the second song starts. I have tested it many times on my iPad Air and I don’t get an error message.
I use Monogame.Framework.iOS( nugget package.
Why does XnaMediaPlayer not play the next song?

Starting the song for the first time when I start my game:

     XnaMediaPlayer.IsRepeating = false;
     XnaMediaPlayer.Play(Song1, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0));

Play the second song after the first had finished:

   TimeSpan CurrentPosition = XnaMediaPlayer.PlayPosition;
   TimeSpan Offset = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500);
   TimeSpan SongDuration = Song1.Duration;
   TimeSpan Limit = CurrentPosition + Offset;
   if (Limit >= SongDuration)
       XnaMediaPlayer.IsRepeating = false;