I’ve got an interesting issue that I cannot seem to resolve. Most places I’ve looked have said in order to change the starting window size, you need to add the following two lines into the constructor:
However, when I do that and relaunch the debugger, the window doesn’t seem to be adjusting. Any ideas on what I might be missing to fix this? I did try ApplyChanges() at the end, but it didn’t seem to add any benefit. I also tried rebuilding to no avail.
@rejurime Thank you! I’ll check these out and see if it helps. Appreciate the sources!
@MrValentine DGL! I’ll help you make it a thing lol. And thank you! Brand new to coding, brand new to Monogame, but I’m self teaching because I haven’t been able to get into the game industry of my own merits and work experience, so I’m going to do it myself. It’s been fun so far. I completed a text based RPG (not in Monogame, just as a .NET Core Console App) which helped tremendously with foundational stuff, but the rest of what I’m doing will likely be in Monogame going forward.
Thank you! I’m hoping to dabble in a little of everything. I want Monogame to be my bread and butter, since it fits so well with the style of games I want to put out into the world, so I’m sure I’ll be exploring all of the different outputs, especially as it comes to porting.